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South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association: Downloads & Press

SEADMA is the industry association of drymix mortar manufacturers in the ASEAN Nations:
The Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia.
It is headquartered in Singapore and has regional chapters in the region.

All materials provided on this page are ©2006 SEADMA. They can be used without written permission from SEADMA, however, reference copies of publications and links to online-publications are required.

Initiates file download2022 SEADMA/PPM (Malaysia Drymix Mortar Manfacturer‘s Association) Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, 26. April 2022
Startet den Datei-DownloadPreliminary Programme as of 01. August 2007 (subject to change without notice)
Startet den Datei-DownloadFirst Vietnam Drymix Mortar Conference, Hanoi, 22. Nov. 2007
Startet den Datei-DownloadSEADMA Newsletter 01/2007, dated 02. February 2007
Startet den Datei-DownloadSEADMA Press Release Nr. 1: Opening Confernce and Detailed Information on SEADMA

Ferdinand Leopolder
(please click on picture for 300 dpi data)